Terms of Service

CG Savings Account


Version date 01 April 2021

This document was registered in Leuven on 17 December 2020 and comes into effect on 1 April 2021.

CG Bank NV – Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium

VAT BE 0462.920.226 – RLP Brussels

Member of the CG group 551332 V04-2021 -/- 1/6

Dear Client,

Enclosed are your CG Savings Account Regulations, which set out your rights and obligations and those of CG Bank. Be sure

to carefully read through the regulations in their entirety so that you're aware of all the rights and obligations.

The main aspects are summarised below:

• Your savings earn a base rate of interest and a fidelity bonus.

Each day the savings remain on your account will earn you interest at the base rate. This is paid at the end of the year.

Savings that remain on the account for 12 months without interruption earn a fidelity bonus on top of the

base rate of interest. This is paid at the end of each quarter.

You do not pay any withholding tax on the first portion of interest.

The interest rates are given in the schedule of rates and charges, which can be obtained from any CG branch or viewed on

our website.

• The transactions you can carry out on your savings account are limited. For instance, you cannot make payments from

your savings account or transfer funds to another bank, though funds can be transferred between your own accounts.

• You cannot go overdrawn on your savings account.

• Charges that may be levied are provided in the schedule of rates and charges, which can be obtained from any CG branch

or viewed on our website.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact your branch or CG Live.

CG Savings Account


Version date 01 April 2021

This document was registered in Leuven on 17 December 2020 and comes into effect on 1 April 2021.

CG Bank NV – Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium

VAT BE 0462.920.226 – RLP Brussels

Member of the CG group 551332 V04-2021 -/- 2/6

The contractual relationship between CG Bank NV and its customers is governed by the General Banking Terms and

Conditions of

CG Bank NV (hereinafter also referred to as ‘CG Bank’ or ‘the bank’), which the present regulations supplement. The

account holder declares that he* has read these regulations and explicitly agrees to be bound by them by signing the

‘agreement to open an account’.

1. Provider

CG Savings Accounts are provided by CG Bank NV, a

financial institution with registered office at Havenlaan 2,

1080 Brussels (VAT BE 0462 920 226, RLP Brussels).

Its supervisory authority is the National Bank of Belgium

(NBB), with registered office at de Berlaimontlaan 14,

1000 Brussels (www.nbb.be).

CG Bank has acceded to the Code of Conduct for Good

Banking Relationships, which can be viewed and

downloaded (in Dutch and French) at


The language for providing information, for

communication and for the purposes of the contract terms

and conditions is the language of the CG branch where

the account holder is a customer or otherwise such

language as the account holder chooses for provision of

the relevant service.

2. Definition

The CG Savings Account in euros is a savings account

regulated by law that meets the provisions of Article 2 of

the Royal Decree implementing the Income Tax Code in

respect of exemption from withholding tax.

The account holder will receive interest on the credit

balance on the account, consisting of interest at a base

rate and a fidelity bonus.

Savings accounts may not run into overdraft.

No debit interest is charged to the holder of a savings


No withholding tax is levied on the first slice of interest (up

to such amount as the law fixes). Tax on the portion of

interest exceeding the untaxed portion is withheld at

source when interest is credited.

Definition of terms

Value date:

The value date is the day on which interest begins to

accrue on a balance deposited or the day on which a

balance withdrawn ceases to earn interest.

Actual calendar days are used when calculating the value

date for the CG Savings Account.

Transaction date:

The transaction date is the day on which the account

holder performs his transaction (e.g., the day on which he

withdraws cash at the counter). This may be any calendar


3. Transactions permitted on regulated savings


Withdrawals may only be made from the savings account

for the following types of transaction:

• cash withdrawals.

• transfers to an account at CG Bank in the name of the

holder(s) of the savings account; the transfer may not

arise from a standing order or automatic savings facility.

• transfers to a savings account at CG Bank in the name


– the same account holder(s);

– the (married or legally cohabiting) partner,

child(children) and/or parent(s) of (all) the account


– a combination of the above;

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– a grandchild of (all) the account holder(s);

which may also take the form of a standing order known

as an ‘Automatic Savings Facility’.

• transfers to the accounts of other parties, or to accounts

held at another bank, are not possible.

• payment of sums to the bank by the holder of the

savings account, in respect of:

– certain loans or credit granted by the bank or by an

organisation represented by the bank;

– insurance premiums and fees relating to the savings


– the purchase of or subscription to securities;

– the rental of a safe-deposit box;

– the custody fee for securities held in a

CG Custody Account.

Amounts can be credited to the CG Savings Account via:

• deposits via branch or a CG-M@tic Deposit Machine;

• transfers on the instructions of the account holder or a

third party.

Deposits causing the savings balance to reach 250 000

euros or more will be accepted subject to approval by

CG Bank.

The credit balance on a CG Savings Account may in

principle be withdrawn without prior notice.

Without prejudice to Article I.33.2 of the General Banking

Terms and Conditions, the bank nevertheless reserves the

right in exceptional cases:

• to require prior notice of five banking days for

withdrawals of more than 1 250 euros;

• to limit total withdrawals to 2 500 euros per two-week


4. Terms

The interest on the CG Savings Account is made up of a

base rate and a fidelity bonus.

CG Bank sets the base rate and the fidelity bonus in

accordance with Article 2 of the Royal Decree

implementing the Income Tax Code in respect of

exemption from withholding tax.

The interest rates are published, inter alia, in the schedule

of rates and charges, which can be obtained free of

charge from any CG branch or viewed at www.kbc.be.

Interest at the base rate is paid once a year and credited

for value on 1 January of the following year. The fidelity

bonus is paid each quarter and credited for value on the

first calendar day of the next quarter. Value dates for

fidelity bonuses are 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1


CG Bank may change the base rate of interest and the

rate of the fidelity bonus unilaterally, account taken of

market conditions and other factors. The customer will be

notified of any such change as quickly as possible after it

has been made.

If the balance on the account exceeds 100 000 euros, the

bank may set a separate rate of interest which will apply

to the total balance on the account.

4.1. Base rate of interest

4.1.1. Calculation of interest at the base rate

When calculating interest at the base rate, the actual

number of days in the year (365/366) is used.

Any change in the base rate will apply immediately to the

amount outstanding.

One base rate of interest will apply to each savings

account at a particular time: one and the same base rate

will be applied to all amounts, regardless of whether or

not they are new deposits or amounts already deposited

on the account.

4.1.2. Value date

Interest at the base rate is calculated on a daily basis.

Savings earn interest from the calendar day after deposit

and – in accordance with Article 2 of the Royal Decree

implementing the Income Tax Code in respect of

exemption from withholding tax – cease to earn interest

from the calendar day of withdrawal.

No float loss is incurred on transfers between members of

the same family:

Transaction Value date for both


Transfer from

a savings to a current account

a savings to a savings account

a current to a savings account

Transaction date

+ 0 calendar days

+ 0 calendar days

+ 1 calendar day

Automatic savings facility Execution date

+ 0 calendar days

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4.2. Main terms governing the fidelity bonus

4.2.1. Calculation period

• Start of the calculation period:

The fidelity bonus is calculated from the calendar day

following the date on which the account is credited or

from the acquisition date of the previous fidelity bonus.

The fidelity bonus is recurrent, i.e. immediately after one

fidelity bonus has been earned, a new twelve-month

period will start for which a fidelity bonus is calculated.

• Minimum periods during which funds must remain on

account to qualify for the fidelity bonus:

The fidelity bonus is awarded and calculated in respect

of all funds that remain on account following the

deposit, for a period of twelve consecutive full months

without interruption, or after the acquisition date of the

previous fidelity bonus.

• Pro rata transfer of the fidelity bonus:

For the first three transfers of funds each year to another

regulated savings account held at CG Bank, the fidelity

bonus will be transferred pro rata if the following

conditions are met:

– both savings accounts have at least one joint holder


– each transfer is for at least 500 euros and

– the funds are not transferred by standing order or

automatic savings order.

The current twelve-month period for the calculation is

not interrupted but continues instead for the savings

account credited with these funds. The fidelity bonus is

therefore only awarded for funds that remain for twelve

consecutive months on what in this case are different

savings accounts.

• Acquisition date:

This is the date on which the fidelity bonus is earned. It

is twelve months to the day from the date the fidelity

bonus began to accrue. If the acquisition date falls on a

non-existent date, the last calendar day of the month

counts as the acquisition date.

• Periods for which bonuses are calculated:

This bonus is calculated in twelfths of the annualised

rate, over a period of twelve consecutive full months.

4.2.2. Applicable and guaranteed interest rates

The interest rate applying to the fidelity bonus is the one

in effect on the day the calculation period starts. This rate

is guaranteed until the acquisition date and, therefore,

always remains unchanged for the entire twelve-month

calculation period.

After the fidelity bonus has been transferred pro rata to

another savings account, the rate of interest applying to

the fidelity bonus on that savings account will apply. This

rate is also guaranteed until the acquisition date.

CG Bank may change the interest rate applying to the

fidelity bonus, but this will not affect the rate applying to

bonuses already accruing.

4.2.3. Payment of accrued interest and fidelity bonus

The basic rate is paid:

• on 31 December of each calendar year in which it was

earned, with 1 January as the value date;

• or when the account is closed.

The fidelity bonus is paid:

• with value date the first calendar day of the quarter

following the quarter in which the fidelity bonus was

earned. Earned fidelity bonuses are taken into account

once a quarter. The bonus earned in the previous

quarter is credited to the account by the bank in

January, April, July and October. The bonus itself starts

earning interest on the first day of the quarter following

the one in which the bonus was earned;

• or when the account is closed.

In principle, a savings account will be closed upon

immediate request, but can be closed at the latest five

calendar days following the day on which the request to

close the account was received.

Accrued interest and fidelity bonuses are recorded for

value on the day on which the account is closed. Fidelity

bonuses will be earned if their acquisition date is on or

before the day the account is closed.

Settlement will be made either in cash or on an account

specified by the customer.

4.2.4. ‘Last in, first out’ rule

When a withdrawal is made, the funds on the savings

account that are earning fidelity bonuses whose

acquisition date is furthest in the future, will be the first to

be drawn on. If different funds have the same acquisition

date, the fidelity bonuses accruing at the lowest rate of

interest will be the first to be drawn on.

4.3. Compensation

Deposits and withdrawals on one and the same calendar

day will be set off for the purpose of calculating the base

rate of interest and the fidelity bonus. This way, there is no

loss of interest.

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5. Charges

CG Bank may levy charges for the savings account.

These charges are published, inter alia, in the schedule of

rates and charges, which can be obtained free of charge

from any CG branch or viewed at www.kbc.be.

6. CG Account Insurance

Those account holders opting for this insurance scheme

are required to pay the premium set forth in the account

insurance terms and procedures in order to qualify for

benefits under the scheme. The annual premium is quoted

on the CG schedule of rates and charges, which is

available for reference and to keep at any CG branch,

free from any charge. The annual premium is debited each

time basic interest is credited and upon closure of the

CG Savings Account.

7. Contracting off premises/via remote banking


Customers contracting this agreement off banking

premises or by means of a remote banking channel have

14 calendar days from that day in which they may

withdraw from the agreement without penalty and

without having to state their reasons for doing so. The

right of withdrawal is exercised at any time up to its expiry

by customers sending their CG branch clear written

notice to that effect by post, fax or e-mail, for which they

can print off and complete the withdrawal form template

at www.kbc.be/modelwithdrawalform. Deposits received

by CG Bank up to the time of withdrawal are returned

without delay and in any event within 14 calendar days of

CG Bank being notified of the withdrawal.

Signature of the agreement constitutes an implied express

request by the customer for service delivery to commence

before expiry of the cooling-off period.

Customers consent to post-contractual information being

communicated in hard copy format or by way of any other

permanent data carrier (and hereby cure any defect in the

communication of information other than in hard copy

prior to contract).

8. Amendments

CG Bank NV may at any time amend the non-essential

provisions of these regulations.

Account holders will be informed in writing or in another

appropriate manner of such changes.

CG Bank will notify the account holder of any changes to

essential provisions in these regulations in advance and in

good time. A copy of the amended regulations can be

obtained by the account holder upon simple request from

his CG branch or downloaded from www.kbc.be.

The account holder may avail himself of the opportunity

within one month of notification to terminate the

agreement at no cost if he does not agree to the

amendments/changes. Amendments will be binding on

the account holder if he does not terminate the

agreement within one month of notification.

Without prejudice to Article 3 of these regulations,

changes to interest rates and charges are covered by

Articles I.32.3 and I.32.4 of the General Banking Terms

and Conditions.

9. Closure of a CG Savings Account

CG Savings Accounts are contracted for a term that is

open-ended. The customer may close the account at any

time, without having to provide notice. The bank may

close the account at any time, subject to two months’


The terms and conditions governing closure of the account

are set out under point 4.2.3 of these regulations.

10. Processing of personal data

CG Bank aims to process your personal data in a manner

that is lawful, appropriate and transparent. Further details

on how we process and share your personal data are set

out in our privacy statement.

It explains your rights and how you can exercise them. Our

privacy statement is available at www.kbc.be/en/privacy or

at your branch or from your intermediary and is regularly


11. Recourse to the courts

This agreement is subject to Belgian law. Any disputes fall

to the jurisdiction of the Belgian courts.

The required procedure for registering complaints is set

out in Article I.25.2 of the General Banking Terms &

Conditions of CG Bank NV.

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* Whenever in this document the masculine gender is

used, it shall be taken to include the feminine and neuter.

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